East Meadow Shopping Center
www.zacharyspartys.com (516) 794-9770
Brainstorm with your son to come up with a theme that plays up one of his passions, whether it's basketball or video games. Zacharys and Savannah party planners are determined to make your bar mitzvah a success!
Top 5 Party Theme Ideas
- A vacation spot or a dream destination can provide great fodder for a Bar Mitzvah theme.
- Could he spend all day playing the saxophone? Are you always on your way to or from his soccer practices? Spotlighting your son's number one pastime is a great way to make the Bar Mitzvah all about him.
- The perfect theme for the kid who's not that into having a theme is to go with his favorite color to tie everything together. These ideas will work with any color!
- Looking to the past can be a terrific source of inspiration for your Bar Mitzvah. Choosing a specific decade (like the 50's) or going even further back (think ancient Egypt or the Renaissance) can put a unique spin on your son's Bar Mitzvah.
- The movies are a major source of inspiration for Bar Mitzvah themes. A Hollywood theme can be as broad as, well, "Hollywood", or you can opt to focus on one of your son's favorite flicks.
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